Software Developer and Coffee Enjoyer


Worked in a team of 5 to design and create a mobile-first mental health journaling social media web application

Took a leadership role that helped spearhead both the design and development phases in a semi agile environment

Helped newly experienced team members through bugs, PRs, and other development issues

Tools Used:
TypeScript | Next.js | Tailwind | shadcn | Node.js | Express | MongoDB


Created a note taking application, where users can register/login and start creating notes.

Achieved instant load times using Server Side Rendering (SSR) with Next.js

Tools Used:
Next.js | ReactJs | Mui | Firebase Auth | Firebase Firestore


Designed and developed a Discord bot that allows users to send timed notifications in chat to alert them of upcoming events

Created an Express JS Server that was originally hosted on Microsoft Azure but switched to Replit for a cheaper alternative

Tools Used:
JavaScript | Discord.js | Node | Express | Firebase Firestore

Behind the Curtain

Worked on a team of 3 people to develop an anonymous confession app for students using Java in Andriod Studio.

Created a Cloud Firestore Database using Firebase that helps keep track of user accounts and confessions

Designed and implemented a login system using Firebase Auth without having to use any information that may connect a users account to their real-world identity

Tools Used:
Java | Android Studio | Firebase Auth | Firebbase Firestore

UBC Solar

Designed and developed the UBC Solar website using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React, prioritizing a mobile-first approach for optimal user experience

Addressed user-reported issues promptly, maintaining website functionality and usability

Collaborated effectively with the team to meet project deadlines and deliverables

Tools Used:
HTML | CSS | JavaScript | React

My name is Mark Angelo Bongato De Guzman and I'm currently a 3rd year Student at the British Columbia Institute of Technology. Currently, I have a lot of experience working on Web & Mobile Applications, primarily using TypeScript, C#, React, and .NET.

My favourite hobby is learning the about all the latest new tech and js frameworks. I also enjoy reading in my free time.

One day I hope to become a leading example for my peers and work on the cutting edge technologies that push our world further. My goal in the end is to use my love for programming to make a positive impact on myself and my community.